Thursday, March 5, 2009

3-05-09: Blood Counts Look Good

No blasts were found in Sarah's blood today. She dropped from 5% Tuesday to 2% Wednesday and is at 0% today. We're grateful to God and remain hopeful for Sarah's recovery.

She may be experiencing bone marrow recovery as her WBC count has been creeping upward as her blast count has been creeping downward. There is a small increase in her red blood cells too. No platelets yet though. No Neutrophils yet either.

Sarah has still been barfing but noticeably less over the last 2 days. No fevers over the last 2 days either. The mouth sores she has seem to be improving too.

Sarah has been taking full dose Dasatinib since Saturday, but Susan and I are anxious for her to begin additional chemotherapy. We do not want another short lived remission like December. We plan to discuss continued treatment with Dr. Van Hoff Friday.

Sarah's bone marrow likely still has blasts since her blood just cleared today. The doctors will need to do a bone marrow aspiration to know what's going on in her bone marrow.

Mildred Rembert (up from Alabama) has been staying with us for the past 2 weeks. Mildred was our neighbor when we lived in Alabama years ago. She will be returning home Saturday. Mildred has been a real blessing to our family watching most of the children while Susan and I stay tight with the doctors and of course Sarah. We will always appreciate what she has done for our family and will miss her support and kindness.

Thanks for your prayers (past and continued).


Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! Keep it up, Sarah!!!


Anonymous said...

The Lord is good!!! We will continue to pray!

Love from the Reif Family