Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4-01-09: Tubie Infection

Sarah is still in the hospital today. She came in for fever on Sunday night.

It turns out Sarah developed a serious line infection (in her tubies). She had surgery yesterday for the doctors to remove it. While she was still under anesthesia she had an IV put in each hand for antibiotics and other meds. We were glad Sarah was spared the discomfort of having those IV's placed. The afternoon and evening weren't too fun for her because of the IV's.

In the meantime, Sarah's leukemia count is climbing. The chemotherapy she needs can't be administered through an IV. The current plan is to continue the antibiotics through the IV's and give her a PICC line Thursday to begin chemotherapy.

Sarah has begun to feel better after a few days of antibiotics. She played in Asa's crib with Asa and Christopher this morning.

The clinical trial folks will not be ready for Sarah for several weeks. To enter the trial she must be free of infection and she has to be off chemotherapy for 2 weeks. I think removing her infected central line and the antibiotics she is on will correct the immediate infection. The chemo that starts Friday should bring her leukemia burden down too.

It's going to be a long 3 weeks.
The video below is Sarah and her little brother Christopher.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is so close, in all those around you and Sarah and your family. the Turner family