Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another Round of Chemotherapy

View from Sarah's hospital room window

Things have changed since our visit to the hospital a few days ago. Sarah developed a fever of ~103.5F during the night Wednesday and we had to take her back to the hospital Thursday morning. Later that day the doctor recommended we pull Sarah’s next chemotherapy block in from next Wednesday and start the 6 days of chemo on Friday. We were a little disappointed that we were not going to spend the next week/weekend with Sarah at home, but agreed that proceeding as soon as possible was best. The longer Sarah has this strain of Leukemia, the more opportunity it has to mutate into a more resistant strain.

As it turned out, Sarah had a fever all day Friday, so we don't start chemo until Saturday afternoon. Susan and I worked out the schedule for next week regarding who would stay with Sarah at the hospital and who would be at home. Susan wants to be at the hospital the entire week. With Susan being due to deliver within 5 weeks and the other children’s needs, I’m not sure her staying the entire week would be best. We’ll talk about it a little more.

The doctors are starting to talk to us about “hard” dates for admitting Sarah at Boston Children’s Hospital. End of July/Beginning of August was what we heard today. We’ll probably visit the Boston team by end of next week. I’ll post more on that when we hear.

Susan and I are a little worried about the effects of the chemotherapy injected in Sarah’s spine. Maybe it’s our imagination, but she seems to be “not quite right” since her last spinal chemo treatment on Wednesday. Please pray she will not have any lasting effects from this treatment specifically.
-Romans 8:37-39

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