Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 23 - Hurry Up and Wait

Susan and her dad took Sarah to the hospital yesterday for her weekly round of chemotherapy. We will not hear any news regarding remission until after her next visit. It's a little frustrating, but we hear what we hear, when we hear it. Susan and I feel pretty good about Sarah's doctors and really appreciate their approach and abilities.

Sarah had a pretty rough start today and it really did not pick up as the day went by. She had one new drug added to her chemotherapy recipe and we think it moved her nausea up from mild to moderate. She wasn't able to hold her breakfast down this morning and didn't want to eat today. We are hoping the effects of the new drug will wear off as the week progresses. We are going to be transitioning Sarah from Tylenol to Tylenol w/Codeine for pain management tomorrow. Her pain is still pretty solid.

Susan's sister has been staying with us to help out over the last few weeks. While she has been a very big help, Susan and I think she should return home soon to be with her husband and son while we have a "lull" away from the hospital. We are hopeful she will be able to come back after Sarah enters radiation/bone marrow transplantation therapy.

Our other children had a really good day though. They managed to get some home schooling in and were helpful to Susan and each other. One of Susan's friends brought dinner over (again) too.
-John 14:16-18

Photo on above is of Sarah w/her mom at the park on Day 21.


Esther Michael said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family as you go through this trial of your faith!
Esther Michael
(Shera's sister)

Anonymous said...

We were saddened to hear the news
about Sarah, yet we know that
All things are possible with our
Lord. We will pray for her healing
and that the Lord will give you
much strength and courage to face
the days ahead.
God's love to all of you,
The Donahue family